Sunday, October 01, 2006

Alfred Hitchcock Blog-A-Thon Announcement (September 2006)

Scroll past this post for new reviews.

Hi All,

As many of you may known, my new-found immersion into the study of (rather than just goofin' around with) film all started with the gift of a nigh biblically-proportioned tome: 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. The challenge set forth before me began a subsequent study of the history of film in chronological order. This is a great way of exploring this medium, much like Thom does with his Film Of The Year project, though from time to time I take breaks to rave to you about gore-fests and samurai flicks.

I thought I'd do something special in October.

October 2006 will be 'Hitchcock Month' for Squish. For friends, I'll invite and offer a calendar of what Hitchcockian films are on from his meager beginnings in the Silent 20s all the way to his established 70s, and on November 15th, with this newfound knowledge, I invite all bloggers out there to participate in a Blog-A-Thon to honour this master and innovator of the Thriller genre with the Alfred Hitchcock Blog-A-Thon.

The two rules, simple as they always are, are the following: 1.) Post something about Alfred Hitchcock's life, his works (even REMAKES of his works), or any other related topic, and 2.) When you make your post, let your audience know it's part of a collaboration, and either include a list of other Blog-A-Thoners, or at least refer them here to your humble host, Squish, who will organize contributors in a lovely alphabetical listing.

This is a great opportunity to have the Film Critic Community come together as they've done in the past with the following 'Thons:

The Robert Altman Blog-A-Thon, brought to you by The House Next Door.

The Avant-Garde Blog-A-Thon (which I was lucky to be a part of), hosted by Girish on his self-titled blog.

The Fritz Freleng Blog-A-Thon, hosted by Brian on Hell At Frisco Bay.

Anyways, just leave a comment on any of my posts and I'll gladly include you when the time comes!