Sideways (2004)
Genre: Adventure Comedy Drama Romance
Starring: Paul Giamatti (The Illusionist; American Splendor), Thomas Hayden Church (George Of The Jungle; The Specials)
Acting: Awesome! That twitchy neurotic versus that care-free thrillseeker. Those two have real chemistry. Everyone did an amazing job, and the funny scenes were hilariously delivered.
Rating: 9
Cinematography: The road trip shots of the wine regions and the golf courses were real nice. There were few innovative shots and good angles. Again, very impressive.
Rating: 7
Script: The script was realistic and hilarious. All the characters speak truth, and there's definitely wisdom in the writing. Excellent.
Rating: 8
Plot: The plot's the thing. Amazing story, and they throw in such great and hilarious scenes, but each one is very character building, especially the nude scenes...
Rating: 10
Mood: The mood is calm, followed by turbulence. Dramatic and heavy, followed by funny stuff. All told though, this is a love story that is masked completely in a "guys on a bender road trip" story. The underlying and constant theme of wine really made the story a lot better.
Rating: 9
Yes, he's drinking out of the spit bucket...
Overall Rating: 86% (Awesome, Any Way You Look At It)